alright, i disappeared for a bit but I’m back and kickin it. happy belated labor day to my US friends (I spent mine working)

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Sitting at the car shop waiting to hear what the damage to my wallet is going to be. Hopefully they take a barter for some web design…

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Attempted to give Delicious another try and liked their “Stacks”. Just got an email that “Stacks” would be discontinued. Goodbye Delicious.

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what do you all use for bookmarking these days? I had given up on diigo. Was on Pinboard, but that hasn’t gone anywhere…

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I’m up way too early for a weekend. Getting ready to go participate in the Autism Speaks walk. Perfect day for it.

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Stupid awesome free pinball game and their in app purchases. I just spent 5 bucks on extra tables…

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I just tied up a mattress to the roof of my car to take it to my mother in laws. Doing it during the day would have just been too normal.

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My 60 yr old mother just sent me source code for a microsite that she’s working on so I can troubleshoot some ipad issues…very weird.

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My son just knocked my mug down the stairs getting coffee everywhere. Good part was it was good coffee and the hall smells great now!

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