A coworker asked me if I knew anything about bitcoin. He didn’t know what he was getting into. He’s all about it now.

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RT @aantonop: Think ending 215 will stop the NSA from creatively interpreting their power to ignore the constitution? You haven’t been payi…

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Tonight’s bedtime started “Once upon a time there was an old man named Marsellus Wallace.” The kids think I’m good at making stuff up.

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why did the cashier at the liquor store hold up my 5 dollar bill to the light to check if it was real? are there people counterfeiting 5s?

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Jackasses at my work thought it would be funny to wrap my desk and monitors in wrapping paper. (to be fair I did it to someone else first)

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I just told a dude that his Invader Zim backpack was badass. Now that I think about it - wearing a kid backpack is the opposite of badass…

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A Facebook friend likes to post lots of pics of girls in bikinis smoking weed. Another posts excessively about religion. Its very confusing.

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Found this great “Hands Free” headset at the dollar store. It’s worth every penny of that dollar.

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If I bought the burrito in the refrigerator isle, why would I assume it would have to be kept frozen? Also, not feeling well today…

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major ocd moment. cleaned/dusted my desk. then the back of the monitors. then all the cords. I guess i’m not up for working this morning.

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i’ve been sick for all of 2013 so far. my new years resolution is to start breathing through my nose. come on…

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My 4yr old thought it was real funny to sneeze in my face and blow his nose on my sweater while he was sick. And now I’m sick…

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Just learned, by mistake, you can long press Chrome’s refresh button and get options to ‘hard refresh’ or empty cache and refresh. Handy!

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Sorry, after using bootstrap for some bit, I don’t like it. I’m cool with those that use it, but its just not my thing.

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Why is my twitter app flaky with notifying me of mentions? Responding to messages from two days ago can be a bit out of context.

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