And yet again, the first day of my vacation starts by going to work. Looks like vacation starts tomorrow instead.

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I think I want to get matching Angry Birds shirts for me and my son. Ahh, the amount I have in common with a 3 yr old is uncanny.

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Really looking forward to launching a website that I’ve been working on for at least 18 months. As soon as I do, I’m taking a vacation!

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I would have really loved to put something on the grill tonight since its warm outside. Too bad I was lazy.

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I’m glad my kids like watching Gumby. It was one of my favorites as a kid, though its a bit non-PC in the really old episodes.

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i really wish “Definitively” would stop being auto corrected to “Defiantly”. Just told someone I defiantly agree.

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Was going to start the new year by going to work early, getting organized but thats not my style. So imma show up late and set a presedence.

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