A red balloon of Mr. Krabs from SpongeBob with an agonizing look on his face.

I felt really bad for this balloon. Mr. Krabs looks like he’s in agony while attending a birthday party.

in Photos

In another act of defiance against the internet’s corporate overlords (I’ve been on a roll the last few weeks), I’ve decided to ‘rescind my invitation to google’ to crawl and index content on my website. ✊ #ai #indieweb

in Notes indieweb ai

An avocado plant sitting in front of a black curtain

I planted this from an avocado that I got at the grocery store. And I haven’t managed to kill it yet, like most of my other poor plants.

in Photos

I'm reposting this post by gme :

#Calckey, #Akkoma, #Pleroma, #Misskey, #Friendica, #Hubzilla, #Peertube, #Pixelfed, #Lemmy, and #Kbin should all have built-in support for #IPFS and optionally be public gateways. It’s a wasted opportunity to not utilize the InterPlanetary FileSystem for hosting and serving media of the fediverse, and spreading out the load across all servers and clients and frankly it wouldn’t take too much to add it in. If a client doesn’t have built-in support for IPFS then the servers can fall-back to serving the IPFS content through their built-in public gateways.

Does it add complexity? Yes. But at what cost? By lowering the bar for entry for new servers and significantly reducing the hosting costs for server operators which will hopefully translate into more servers and a more healthy fediverse overall.

in Repost

I am recording a video on how I’m using a command line and automation to pushlish this hugo site. Pay no attention.

in Notes

I’m finally abandoning Twitter and Instagram. Every post, tweet, reply and photo from the last 16+ years has been moved to my own website in hopes to promote a web outside of walled gardens and their goal of making profit off us all. #fediverse #indieweb

in Notes fediverse indieweb

It took the better half of a day, but I was finally able to take all of my Instagram posts (nearly 2000 of them) and migrate them to my website. It took a bit of wrangling python to parse the Instagram JSON export and build out all the pages in Hugo, but it was a nice change of pace from what I normally do. Maybe I’ll share that code later. The page is a bit janky thanks to the size of the photos, so I’ll still need to go through and make smaller thumbnail versions. That’s a task for another day. Check ’em out: https://uxbrad.com/tags/photos/

in Notes

I never thought I’d be writing .bat files to post status updates to the internet, but this is where I’m at right now.

in Notes

In reply to Ricardo's Post

@rmdes@mstdn.social As someone who built their website on geocities using a webTV I love the idea of a webring. It’s quite nostalgic. It’s so subtle on your site - doesn’t have enough animated gifs for my liking. However, I have discovered a lot of great sites from it already.

in Reply

Holding a bottle of hot sauce with several more in the background. The color of the sauce is nearly brown with label that has a rough character drawing of a face.

I worked on a new batch of hot sauce over the weekend and I’m getting ready to ship them out. Sorry, they’re all already spoken for.

in Photos

Okay, I just went in and download all my data from Twitter so I can delete that account. It had been on my list for some time but I get kind of lazy distracted by other things. I’m trying to figure out how to get along with the IndieWeb (another task that’s been on my list for years). As of today, it says I was on twitter for 16 years, 2 months and 13 days. Those early years were fun, but these current ones - not so much. Now to figure out what to do with all this data…

in Notes

a statue in front of what should be some sort of reflecting pool but it’s old and hasn’t been maintained.

in Photos