working at home on a Thursday while the wife is out spending money as usual. Stayed up pretty late last night doing freelance work.

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just got back from another ultrasound visit - 36 weeks and the baby is perfect. she even gave us “kissy” faces…4 weeks to go, if that.

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sitting down with a coffee and espresso, sending the wife out the house, and hoping to write for at least half the day.

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finally had a day where work wasn’t crazy. I’m doing a 2nd presentation on the benefits of web standards to a group at my company. Rock on!

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cleaning up the last of my emails and taking a break from the computer over this weekend. I’ve had enough.

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Working at home. Honey’s out with Gma spending our money.Getting ready for the long weekend and working on

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babysitting my 4 month old god daughter who is realllly fussy. just got back from jersey shore. four months until we have our own fussy one.

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made it through yesterday and launched both sites - i’m heading out early today and going to lancaster county today to get some fresh air

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I am launching two websites today at work, with a 2 hour window to do five hours of work – another typical day. Lovely

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