Trello To Obsidian Kanban Boards Bookmarklet

// The variable that will store all the text, starts with the kanban board settings
var obsidianText = "---\n\nkanban-plugin: basic\n\n---\n\n";

// Something to keep track of just to display when it's copied.
var numberOfLists;
var numberOfCards;

// Get all the lists in trello
var trelloLists = document.getElementsByClassName("js-list");
numberOfLists = trelloLists.length;

// Cycle through all the lists
for (l = 0; l < numberOfLists; l++){
  // Get the list name
  var trelloListHeader = trelloLists[l].getElementsByTagName("h2")[0].innerText;

  // Append the header to obsidianText in markdown
  obsidianText += "\n## " + trelloListHeader + "\n";

  // Get all the cards in each list
  var trelloItems = trelloLists[l].getElementsByClassName("list-card");
  numberOfCards = numberOfCards + trelloItems.length;

  // Cycle through all the cards in each list
  for (i = 0; i < trelloItems.length; i++){

    // Get the card title
    var trelloItemTitle = trelloItems[i].getElementsByClassName("list-card-title")[0].innerText;

    // Grab all of the labels if they have text specified. This does not get labels that are just colors.
    var trelloLabels = trelloItems[i].getElementsByTagName("button");

    // cycle though all of labels
    for (b=0; b<trelloLabels.length; b++){
      var ariaLabel = trelloLabels[b].getAttribute("aria-label"); // aria label is formatted as aria-label = "Color:red title: "Label_Text""
      var splitAriaValue = ariaLabel.split('title: ')[1]; // Split the string to just get the title, so 0 is trash 1 is the value of 'title' “Label_Text”"

      splitAriaValue = splitAriaValue.replace("“", "") // get rid of the smart quotes
      splitAriaValue = splitAriaValue.replace("”", "") // both of them

      // Append the label to item
      if (splitAriaValue != "none"){
        trelloItemTitle = trelloItemTitle + " #" + splitAriaValue;

    // Get the date. We can't get the time because trello doesn't display it in the list.
    var trelloDate = trelloItems[i].getElementsByClassName("js-due-date-text");
    if (trelloDate.length > 0){ // Only work on the ones that have a date.
      trelloDate = trelloDate[0].innerText;
      var trelloConvertedDate = new Date(trelloDate).toISOString().substring(0, 10);; // Convert it to an actual date so we can change the format
      // Append the date to item
      trelloItemTitle = trelloItemTitle + " @{" + trelloConvertedDate + "}";

  // Append the item (with labels and date) to obsidianText in markdown
  obsidianText += "- [ ] " + trelloItemTitle + "\n";

// Append the final expected kanban settins
obsidianText += '\n\n%% kanban:settings\n```\n{"kanban-plugin":"basic"}\n```\n%%';

//Copy text to the clipboard

// Flash the time on the page in an overlay so that I know I clicked it.
var elemDiv = document.createElement('div');
elemDiv.innerHTML = "<h1 style='font-size:40px; color:white; text-align:center; margin-top:2em;'>" + "Copied " + numberOfLists + " Lists and " + numberOfCards + " cards. </h1>"; = 'position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%;opacity:0.8;z-index:1000;background:#000;top:0';

// Have it fade out after a bit
setTimeout(function(){ = "none"; }, 2000);