About Me

Ugg. Designer’s bios are always so predictable - they always seem to lead with a light-hearted intro and some profound statement about using design thinking to change the way we interact with technology or change the world.

That's me drawing on some wireframes that are taped to a whiteboard

I guess I do want to change the world with design. So let me give this a try.

I'm Brad Cooper, an Experience Designer from New Jersey United States with a passion for creating great products through research, testing, and by excessively scribbling on whiteboards, notebooks, sticky notes, and sometimes, unintentionally, walls — with the hopes that design, specifically mine, can change the world.

I appreciate that you’ve taken the time to look at this. I’m always looking to connect with new people and work on new projects, so let’s connect. — Brad

About this site

I hand-crafted this thing with HUGO, a static site generator. I may have given up on development but I can work my way around some code. If it’s a little bit wonky in places, that’s because I’m a little rusty.

If you didn’t notice, and I think is worth pointing out, my blog posts are each signed with a PGP key (to prove my identity), hashed as plain text along with that signature, and then that hash is written to the Ethereum Blockchain - proving that I wrote it and published it on a specific date - in case I have to ever prove ownership. I used to deploy this site to IPFS, making it available without the need for a server. Once I get this site to a better place, I’ll do it again.

I also take a lot of pride in making sure the site is accessible, performs well, follows best practices, and is search engine optimized. So if you’re curious, run it through Lighthouse.

I also made this site into a Progressive Web App (PWA) because I hated seeing those failures in Lighthouse. Maybe that’s a bit OCD, but design is in the details.